PLAY Collection, Summer/Fall 2022

“PLAY” is inspired by…

…curiosity and my love of learning about new techniques and processes, and experimenting with new materials (and in some cases, revisiting old ones, and incorporating them into my practice in new ways),

…new motherhood and watching my daughter navigate and interact with the world around her for the first time,

…my own mother, who first taught me how to “play,” and nurtured my creative spirit with summer vacations spent at the art supply store, and shared with me her philosophy that “you can make that at home,”

…my background and experience as an elementary school teacher, and watching children learn through the act of making things,

…a growing inclination to slow down and appreciate and enjoy the process of creating and problem solving,

…the desire to make something new and different.

When I look back at my life (so far!) as an artist, I can see that “play” has been the common thread throughout my work from the beginning. I believe that my very best work has always been, and always will be, a product of play. This collection of work is not meant to be a stand-alone series, but rather a continuation- highlighting what I believe to be the best part of my practice, and a hint at what’s to come.